JAMS Denver is located in Denver and serves Colorado and the Rocky Mountain West

Mediation is a process where the parties meet with a mutually selected impartial person, the mediator, to assist the parties in a negotiation to resolve their chosen differences. The parties are the decision makers. The mediator facilitates the process seeking to clarify issues, find common ground and assist the parties to eliminate communication roadblocks so that the parties may come to their own agreement.

There are no formal mediation rules. The mediator does not enter a decision, nor decide what is “fair” or “right.” Depending on the parties’ preferences and circumstances, the mediator may give feedback. However, the mediator’s feedback can be freely disregarded and does not influence either the mediator’s mission to assist the parties communicating their issues, concerns, priorities and proposals nor any settlement that parties agree upon.

JAMS has a distinguished and experienced group of mediators with expertise in many substantive areas.